Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A Memorable Birthday Celebration

It is not often that we can spend our birthdays with celebrities or beauty queens at that. So it was a pleasant surprise when last December, Shirley was surrounded by Mrs World 2007 (who was the reigning Mrs America) and her fellow contestants for a special dinner together.

The occasion was made possible by ‘The Passions’ magazine who specially invited the world beauties to a Charity event in aid of National Hearts Foundation. Altogether some 11 beautifully married women from around the world including Mrs Malaysia visited various sites and participated in events including one hosted by the company in which I worked in.

They are parents who have taken their valuable time to help raise funds for the needy, and in this case for the sick. They were full of enthusiasm, spontaneity and energy, travelling from place to place and participating in the fashion parade during the Charity Ball Night as well as posing for the cameramen.

And for Shirley whose birthday coincided with one of their visits, it was most opportune to spend the happy and memorable moment with world beauties who themselves were married and parents. They showered her with praises, not forgetting the hugs and kisses to go along. There were lots of photo taking opportunities and the friendly atmosphere will bring back happy memories for many years to come. The cake cutting with all of them surrounding her and the hugs and wishes were indeed the highlight of the day for Shirley.

It was onl
y after the long day when the beauties return to their hotels for a well-deserved rest that we too returned home for a private celebration with the children. Happy Birthday Shirley! May you have many more of such wonderful and blessed celebrations; and good health to go along! God bless.

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