We arrived in groups from about 10.00am onwards and by 11.30am we were ready for the first lesson by Bro Edward Low. His topic, I will make you fishers of men covered our duties as evangelists for God. Indeed we are all commanded to love our fellow men and to be soul winners. The deliberation after the 30 min delivery was led by Charlie and it solicited ideas from participants how we can be better soul winners. Notes were written on the white board how we can reach out to others. These points were recorded by Kelly to be converted into minutes for distribution.
We were then served a hearty meal that was prepared by the ladies led b

The weather in the afternoon was fine and we decided to go for an early outing. For the adventurous (18 ) among us, we went for jungle trekking to be closer to the wonders of God’s creation. A 2-hour journey into the interior which was landscaped with waterfalls and many kinds of jungle trees and plants took us to a rest area were we played with the clear water in the rapids. Along the way we met giant millipedes, and not forgetting the blood sucking leeches. It was an experience that will stay in our memory for a long time. From the youngest to the older of us, from first time trekkers to seasoned King scouts, the return to Mother Nature was a good respite from city living and the pressures of work and studies.
The return journey (1 hour) was faster as we were by now experts of the terrain and wanted to get back to dry land to avoid the leeches.
After washing up and comparing notes of how many leech bites each has and our anglers returning back with their catches, we settled

After the evening session some of the participants had to leave the camp. And so with a slight t

The next morning we were woken by the sounds of birds chirping and the cheerfulness of well rested early risers. The air was cool and fresh and we could see the KL skyline in the distance. Yes, it was so clear that the silhouette lines of the KL highest towers were visible from about 100km away. Bro Yeow Kong came early to share his highly motivated lessons on “Counting your blessings”. Indeed the sharing brought tears to some of the participants who were touched by the warm support and acts of love by wonderful friends and brethren.
After lunch, we parted ways with lots of wonderful memories of the time we shared together as a family of God and promised ourselves to return next year for another time of togetherness.
7th Oct 2008
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