Teachers Paint our minds
and guide our thoughts
Share in our achievements
and advise our faults
Inspire a Love
of knowledge and truth
As they light the path
Which leads our youth
For our future brightens
with each lesson they teach
Each smile they lengthen
Each goal they help reach
For the dawn of each poet
each philosopher and king
Begins with a Teacher
And the wisdom they bring
- Poem by Kevin William Huff
Such were the unselfish dedication and contributions of teachers who helped made student life in school fun and inculcated a learning mindset to excel in every aspects of life. They helped to mold characters and develop minds towards becoming better citizens of tomorrow. Mr Chua exemplifies one such teacher who has through the years helped molded many students to becoming professionals and leaders of today. The years passed quickly and his students have now arrived and many speak volumes of his great influence on their lives and how his kind words and support have impacted positively in shaping their future.
Mr Chua is remembered for his regard in the welfare of his students, especially the under-privileged as this writer experienced on a personal level. During one school day I lost my pocket money and was searching for the lost coins, tears streaking down my face, along the road fronting Mr Chua’s office not knowing that he was watching from a short distance,. To my surprise, Mr Chua approached me to enquire about the problem and without hesitation he placed his hand into his pocket and out came some coins that made up the loss. What a joy and relief!
Over the years the friendship between Mr Chua and the writer grew with more friends added into a special circle; Mr Chua as the mentor and advisor. The blossoming of this friendship led to the informal Magna 7 (M7); a group of boys influenced by characters from story books coming together to establish a bond of friendship. We regularly met (almost weekly) at Mr Chua’s residence in Kampung Pantei to listen to his words of wisdom, enjoy his good food (which was really a treat to us students who experienced for the first time special recipes; from nyonya laksa to western food), and the rides in his car – a black Austin around town and sometimes to the outskirts. These were good times and the fond memories of the yesteryears flashed back as one reminisced the past and the times spent together.
Mr Chua, we salute you! You have made us into who we are and words fail us in expressing our deep appreciation for your kindness and mentorship. We cherished the moments shared together and will continue to treasure the memories. For many of us who came from poor background, your words of wisdom, the books, the magazines, the newspapers, not forgetting the times when you examined us as the Scout Movement’s District Commissioner for our proficiency badges, your commitment to the Boys Brigade; these were the first tastes of what education can bring for us and what a good Christian represents. And you motivated and prepared us to face the future with confidence.
The original M7 extended to include many other friends. These students have over time gone separate ways, some residing in far away countries, others returning and a few in the capital city of KL. The rest that stayed in Malacca were your regular companions. Those that are further away made a point to visit you on occasions when we returned home. Your students have now become Educators, Engineers, Accountants, Entrepreneurs, Surveyors and emulating your good examples. We are approaching retirement age ourselves and like you we hope to touch the lives of those we come into contact with, but it would be a tough act to follow.
Mr Chua we know that old age and poor vision may make it difficult for you to read what is written but we believe that deep inside, you are aware of our appreciation towards your friendship and the positive influence you have made in our lives. We pray that you will have many more years of good health and may God’s special blessings continue to fall upon you.
In honour of his memory, an adapted version of this article was printed in The Star Section 2 (page T10) on the 11th Nov 2008.
http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2008/11/11/lifefocus/2444873&sec=lifefocus[Mr Chua left us for a better place on the 7th Nov 2008. May he find eternal peace in God's bosom]
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